Wednesday, June 20, 2007

No go yet....

So, 3 days until the due date and here I am.... still preggers!

First, an update on my doctors appointment that was Monday. There's not much to update, but I was 'a fingertip' dilated... which apparently means almost 1 cm, but not quite yet. So at least that was some kind of progress from the week before. I was still 50% effaced and at -3 station (for those of you who know what that means and care) which was the same as last week. The doc told me my assignement for the week was to go into labor. I told him I'd work on it!

Last night, I was having some strange cramping - lower down in my pelvis and different than I've felt before. I'm hoping this is a sign of things progressing, but I'm not sure. I have a coworker who's wife is due tomorrow (2 days before me). We've had fun comparing the pregnancies all along and it's fun to have someone here at work as excited and anxious as I am. Anyway, he came by this morning and said his wife had that low cramping, too and they think it's the baby 'dropping'. He and another coworker also said they think my belly looks like it's dropped a little, so maybe something is happening. Even if it's not true, it's nice to have some kind of hope that it could happen soon!! :-) Waylon says he has a good feeling about today, too.... although he's been saying that since his first prediction that I'd go into labor on June 9th!

Speaking of predictions, I asked immediate family and a few friends to guess the date they thought I would go into labor. I figured I'd post here what everyone's guesses are... this would be a good place to keep up with it. There's no money riding on it... just bragging rights! Here's everyone's guesses:

June 10th - Dick
June 14th - Waylon (this was his second guess after the 9th)
June 15th - Kay
June 16th - no one
June 17th - Robin
June 18th - Keri
June 19th - no one
June 20th - Leah
June 21st - Jackie
June 22nd - Brenda, Laurie
June 23rd - no one (and the due date!)
June 24th - Duane, Chris
June 25th - Andrea, Roz
June 26th - Tom
June 27th - Jennie
June 28th - Jessica

If anyone would like to add a guess, let me know and I'll add you to the list!

So I guess that's all I have to say today. Keep your fingers crossed!!


Evia, Tim, Eli and Cole said...

I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you Robin. I know you're getting anxious and I hope it happens soon!! Hang in there - at least you don't have 8-10 more weeks like me. =)

Anonymous said...

I love this idea! Noah is waiting until the 25th because he wants Aunt Andrea to win the bet. I guess he is already "buttering" me up, so when I babysit I'll let him have dessert for dinner! Ha! Love you guys...