The week started with Noah back to school - we are trying to get him back on his nomal schedule - so Waylon and I were home alone with Kylie on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. It's funny how it's almost been boring after chasing around a 2 year old all the time. The downtime is important though - for my recovery but also for us to bond, relax and get to know Kylie a little better.
The relaxation we haven't needed too much though because she's a champ at sleeping!! The past four nights, she usually eats around 8:30 and we've put her down in the pack and play in our bedroom anytime between 9:30 and midnight (a few nights she's had trouble settling down at first) but then she's up for a feeding around midnight and 4 and goes right back down after each one We've even had to wake her up after 4 hours (the docs want us to keep that up until she's back to birth weight), then we're usually woken up by Noah around 7 or 7:30!! Crazy. We really couldn't ask for more, huh? We'll see if it keeps up now!
Noah has been a little whiny this week. He's been fighting a cold for a while now (we are really hoping Kylie doesn't get it!) so I'm sure it's that, plus the fact that we have a new baby, oh and he's 2! What a great combination, huh? :-) Today, Waylon and Noah went to the NC State Fair for some father/son bonding time and I think they both liked that. Noah had fun seeing animals and playing the games. I wish I had sent the camera with Waylon so he could have gotten some pictures but we forgot that!
Tuesday, we gave Kylie her first sponge bath at home. She wasn't really a fan as you can see. You can also see her herniated belly button in this picture (and umbilical cord that's still attached). The doctors say it's normal and should heal on it's own within a year - hopefully a few months.
After the bath, we snuggled up all warm and smelling good. Her hair was all wispy and clean and I couldn't resist a few shots...
Tuesday afternoon, we wll rode together to pick Noah up from school. Kylie didn't enter the daycare but we took pictures to show the teachers. Noah had fun showing all his friends and teachers the picture (he has it in his hand in the picture below!). He'd put it right up to his friends faces and say, 'See!? It's Baby Kylie!' On the way home, I just started laughing thinking that we had two kids in the back of our minivan! It's crazy but wonderful!! :-)
Yesterday and today, we took a stroll around the neighborhood with Janet and Mason. Mason and Kylie are two of the three new babies on the block - and there's one more to come in early November! Should be fun!
Hangin' with Mason back at the house - it's amazing how much of a difference 5 weeks makes at this age! Pretty soon it will be nothing!
Last night, our friends Megan and Jason came by to meet Kylie and bring us stromboli - one of Megan's signature dishes. While they were here, Megan snapped this shot of Noah watching me feed Kylie. He had his head down next to her and was holding her hand. It was very sweet.
Megan and Jason have a little boy on they way, too!
We are looking forward to a nice family weekend. My mom comes back on Sunday and Waylon is back to work on Monday. Then the following week, I'm on my own! We'll see how that goes!
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