Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Those are my boys....

Wow, it's been a while since I've posted!

We've had a crazy few nights.... our streak has offically ended. Noah had been sleeping so well for several weeks but Sunday night, he ended that. He's been waking up every few hours VERY unhappy. I called the doctor yesterday because it was so odd for him. They had us come in but nothing was wrong with him. He is getting over a cold, so we thought maybe it was an ear infection but the doctor said he probably just doesn't feel so good. So we're hoping tonight will be better but he's already woken up a few times, so we'll see. We've been so spoiled with such a good sleeper that this is a huge shock to us! :-)

Otherwise, things have been great! Noah is constantly rolling over whenever we put him on his back. The only thing is that he can't get back over, so he gets mad when he's done with tummy time! :-) We are working on sitting up now. He's giggling and laughing a lot now, too. It's so fun! -- that is when he's not screaming in the middle of the night!

We're off to MD on Wednesday for Thanksgiving so that will be lots of fun! Then, the Saturday after Thanksgiving is our annual Christmas Seafood Feast with my dad's side of the family. Yummy!! I'm excited for Noah to meet the extended family!

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