Friday, November 2, 2007

More 3 month photos

So, last night our 7 night streak ended.... for 7 nights in a row, we've gotten real sleep! Noah has slept from 8pm until 7am.... and he did last night, too. Seger was the one who ended the streak. At 4:30, we woke up to that oh-so-beautiful sound of a dog throwing up! :-) Nice. And he sleeps under the bed so that was fun to clean up. Luckily, Waylon took care of that job. Thanks, babe!

On a positive note, Noah has been sleepingn like a champ... at night. We are struggling with nap times. In fact, he's in his crib now playing. I can hear him through the monitor kicking around. I figure quiet time is better than nothing at all though, so I'll give him a little time in there alone.

As of last night, I am officially coming down with a cold. Sore throat, runny nose, headache... fun. I guess that means we'll soon be dealing with Noah's first cold. We'll see. Maybe he'll escape it!

Here are some more of the 3 month photo session with Neil Boyd Photography...

1 comment:

Evia, Tim, Eli and Cole said...

I LOVE the last picture of you guys. You take such great pictures. Hate to hear about your cold - rest up, take it easy and hope you feel better.