Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Busy, fun times!

So, let's see. The last time I updated the blog was on June 1st so it's been a few weeks. We've been spending lots of time at the pool these days and have done some really fun things over the past two weeks. The kids are doing so great in school. Kylie is fully acclimated now and hasn't even been fussing when I drop her off which makes me so happy. Noah is learning so much in the Pre-K class and Kylie just keeps learning more and more words. The other morning, she said, in the sweetest little voice, 'Daddy?' (Yes, Kylie?) 'What doin?' It was sooo cute. Her teacher told me today that she told Kylie she was going to the pool tonight and Kylie said, 'I come?' She's so sweet! So, an update on our past few weeks in pictures....

Like I said, lots of pool time. I think this was Friday, June 3rd - I took the kids to the pool that morning while we were having an alarm installed at the house. We had lunch down there, too.

That night, I went out for a drink with my friend Jenn - it was nice to get out of the house alone for an evening.

Saturday morning, we had Cole's birthday party (a new friend in the neighborhood). It was at Bounce U and both kids had a blast!

They had a hurricane simulator and the kids wanted to do it (after Cole's dad, Tom, tested it out first). Noah loved it. Kylie tried it also but decided not to stay in. :-) Here is Noah with Lauren (Cole's sister) and another friend.

All the kids at the party - most from our neighborhood!

Lunch time! Noah really wanted to sit by Cole but Cole wanted to sit with the big boys. It was pretty cute - Noah said, 'But Cole, I'm your best friend!' - there's a lot of this 'best friend' talk going on these days - not sure where he gets that from!

Cake time!

When we got home, everyone took naps except me - I went down to the pool and laid out and read a magazine! What a treat for me! Then, later that afternoon, it was off to the RBC center to see Sesame Street Live with Nana, Grandad, Savannah and Sean! (Andrea was at the beach with her friends) All the kids LOVED this. Kylie kept saying 'ELMO!' and 'ABBY!!' It was really cute. She's also been saying 'Elmo back' ever since we went - she just said it yesterday even. She really loved it. I think Noah almost ate this whole thing of popcorn by himself. :-)

After the show with $45 worth of light up spinny things. :-)

That Sunday, I took the kids back to the pool in the morning again while Waylon mowed the yard and then we had one of Nana's old friends come visit us to see us, the kids and the house. It was nice to catch up with Gene! Nana, Grandad, Andrea and Savannah came too of course! What a fun weekend.

The following week was pretty 'normal' and the kids started water play at school that Wednesday. They both had a blast with that!

Friday, I took the kids to their old school to visit. Noah has been asking to go visit for a while now so I finally found time to take him. It was so cute when he walked in - all the kids came running, calling his name! They were so excited to see him. He had a smile pasted on his face but I think was a little overwhelmed at first. Then he just fell right back into playing with them all.

He was super excited to see Tyler and Liam - these guys were his buddies!

And of course he had to spend some time with the ladies
(L-R) Alyssa, Noah, Akira, Meredith, Sami

Afterwards, we went to have lunch with Nana and visit her work. We were going to do Chick-fil-a but Noah decided he wanted 'Old McDonalds' :-)

After naps, Jacque came over with Elizabeth and Jacob (who turned 2 last weekend! Wow). We all went down to the pool. Noah and Elizabeth always play so well together - we had lots of fun.
Snack break - Kylie likes to eat at the pool a lot. This particular day, she kept getting out of the pool and going through two bags to find the snack bag! I think we have a growing girl. :-)

Then Saturday, we decided kind of last minute to go to the zoo! It was so fun - and tiring! Steven, Kate and Samantha met us there and it was so good to catch up with them!

Daddy pushing the kiddos

Looking at the lion. He roared for us a few times before laying back down to rest again. :-)

Kylie started this and Noah followed suit. Big girl!

Looking at the chimpanzees with Samantha

Kate showing Noah how to use the binoculars - they were looking at a frog.

This gorilla came right up to the glass and sat down. It was pretty cool but Kylie wasn't quite sure. :-)

Noah is so sweet with little ones. When he saw this picture tonight, he sweetly laughed and said, 'She liked me' :-)

This is what happened when we asked Kylie to go stand by them. HA! :-)

I love giraffes!

The girls rode together for a little while.

Time to cool off in the mist.

(did you really need that caption?) :-)

On our way to lunch, Kylie gave up. She ended up sleeping for about 45 minutes or so - which kinda threw off nap later but that's okay. On the way home, Noah fell asleep but she was wide open. She kept screaming 'WOAH!' trying to wake him up!! :-)

They had a 4D Dora and Diego movie. They both LOVED it! Noah especially thought it was great. Here we are waiting to go in. It was a hot day so it was nice to just be able to sit in the AC for a while!

Then time for the carousel. Kylie wasn't sure at first but warmed up.

Sam, Kate, Kylie, me and Noah

What a fun trip! Steven and Kate got a picture on their camera of the whole group - hopefully I can remember to add it when I get it from them! We left around 2 and got home by 3:30 - the rest of the afternoon was pretty low key and we just went and got a quick dinner that night.

Sunday was yet another fun day. Andrea and Savannah came over in the morning for some pool time (I told you we've been spending a lot of time there!). We had lunch down there and the kids had a blast as always. No pictures though!

After lunch, we came home for Kylie's nap and Noah and I took off to go to his friend Amelia's birthday party. She's a new friend from his new school and he was really excited to see her and a few other friends there.

Gathering candy from the pinata - Amelia is the girl standing in this picture

This was so sweet. When we went to get her a gift, I asked Noah what we should get her and he told me Tinkerbell. So we did and lo and behold, when we got there, the party was Tinkerbell themed! She LOVES Tinkerbell. I guess Noah was observant about that. I also got a card and had Noah sign it and color on it. He also asked me to write on it what he told me to write, which was, 'Amelia - this is from me. Amelia - I love you'. It was so sweet and when we got the party, after she opened his present, he was insistent that her mom read what he dictated to me! It was so sweet. We have such a sweet boy. I was so proud of him.

Yesterday was back to work and school so we are just chugging through to get to yet another fun weekend! :-)

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