Monday, August 29, 2011

Two weekends of fun!

After we got back from the beach, Waylon started his new job! He's so much happier and really excited about this opportunity. So far, so good! Kylie also moved up to a new room so lots of new things.

That Friday (the 19th), I got to sneak out and go to dinner and a movie with some girlfriends. It was a nice evening out for me!

Saturday morning, we relaxed at the house until it was time for Eli's birthday party. So much backyard fun!

Kylie swinging with the birthday boy

Kylie and Noah trying out their toys

Kylie loving the bounce house!

The big birthday boy

Kylie getting ready to watch the game :-)

They had sponges and filled them up with water and tried to be the first team to fill up a jug.

Noah in motion!

Cupcake time - homemade!!!
(not sure where all of Evia's energy comes from!)

Kylie enjoying her cupcake. :-)

Saturday night, we went to dinner with Megan, Jason and Ryan. After we ate, the kids did their normal run off their wiggles. It was pretty cute.

Kylie in action!
This was the starting line

Hugs for Ryan before we left

Later Saturday night, Waylon took his turn at a night out so that was nice. Sunday morning, he mowed the yard and I took the kids to the pool with Megan and Ryan. Then in the afternoon, we had an impromtu get together with Cory and Jennie, Megan Jason and Ryan, and Megan and Dave. We grilled out and everyone brought something to contribute. So fun! No pictures though. :-(

Last week was a typical week for us except for Friday, we sent the kids to school and I stayed home to deal with workers in the house in the morning (punch list items from our 90 day walk through). Then I went to get my hair done and got a little shopping done which was really fun. I got the kids a little early and met Megan and Ryan at the park. It was a pretty crazy trip since while we were there the skies opened up on us (the first band of Hurricane Irene). We went to Target to waste some time before meeting the guys for dinner.

Saturday morning, we enjoyed a relaxing morning watching the hurricane coverage. Things were okay here but pretty nasty on the coast. Around 10:30, Waylon and Noah took off to the grocery store and Kylie and I had some mommy/daughter time. While they were gone, we painted her toenails, too! :-) It was fun. She was really excited but then halfway through she wasn't sure about it. We used a hairdryer to dry them before she went walking on the carpet! :-) She was very proud...

After naps, we got prepared for toddler-palooza. Waylon went to a fantasy football draft and all the wives and kids came to our house! We had 8 kids 4 and under here. The first hour was strangely calm while they were all warming up to each other. The whole night was actually pretty good though. No major issues which was very nice!!

Kylie getting ready for the silliness

Snack time
7 of the 8 kids
(L-R) Brendan, Maddy, Noah, Mackenzie, Kylie, Rory, and Ryan
(Wyatt not pictured)

One aftermath picture :-)

Sunday was a really nice day. That morning, another lazy morning before heading to the park as a family. It was a nice outing and we had a picnic there, too.

After the kids woke up from their naps, we went down to the pool for about an hour and a half. It was really nice cause they were playing really well together and Waylon and I were actually able to sit down (at the same time)! It was great.

We came back to the house around 4:30, just in time to have another impromtu get together!! :-) We had been invited to Nana and Grandad's for dinner but we were expecting Grammy that afternoon and had some other commitments so they were nice enough to pack up all the food and bring it to us!! That's the way to have a dinner party - someone else brings all the food! :-) Thanks again, Nana!

So about 10 minutes after we got back from the pool, my mom walked in and about 5 minutes after that, Nana, Grandad, Andrea, Sean and Savannah arrived also. Lots more playtime and a yummy dinner!

Noah and Savannah were feeding their 'baby'. Kylie was a very willing participant in this. I walked in and asked they were doing and Kylie looked at me and said, 'I the baby!' :-)

Playing cars with Uncle Sean

Grammy stayed over last night and then went on to my Gramma's house for the last clean out there - they are finally closing on the house on Wednesday. She will be coming back later this week so that will be nice.

This morning, she took Noah to school on her way out of town and I took Kylie to her 1 year follow up appointment for her hernia surgery. I can't believe it's been a year! Crazy. Everything checked out fine... the muscle layer is still nice and strong. We talked some about cosmetic options. He wouldn't recommend anything before age 4 or 5. We can also just leave it alone and let her make her own choice down the road on whether or not she wants to fix it. We have a few years to decide on that though, so that's good.

Tonight, Noah was playing on the computer and he looked like such a big boy...

We are all going to have a fun weekend this weekend - more to come on that!!

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