Friday, February 26, 2010

Just Kidding!

So last week, we made the decsion for me to stay home full time and, after having a week to get used to the idea and convince ourselves that this was the right thing to do, we were finally able to tell everyone since Waylon had officially resigned at work. That was Tuesday. Then, Wednesday morning, I got a phone call from my old boss. He offered me my job back at my old hours - three days a week, 8:30-4:00 (as opposed to 4 days a week that he offered me the week before). We thought through it once again and decided that going back at these hours will be the right thing to do.

It sure has been a roller coaster of a few months for me! It's been hard because we make a decision and decide that it's the best thing and then another opportunity comes around and we have to now change our decision and justify why all the reasons we had made the other one are wrong! (do you follow that?!) :-) Anyway, I really did think both options were great so I don't think I really could have lost in the situation so that's good. It's nice to have choices! In the end, we decided that my old hours will give us the flexibility we need and still give me some adult interaction and be able to keep up in the working world. I'll still have more time at home than at work which I'm happy about and I know Noah thrives in school, so I know Kylie will, too.

I'm not going to start until March 29th which will give us a few weeks to settle into Waylon's new job and schedule (he starts March 10th) and then my mom will come down and keep Kylie for my first two weeks back. That will be good because it will delay daycare for her a little more so she'll be almost 6 months before she starts (the same age that Noah started) and it will be a little warmer so maybe she won't get so sick when she starts!

So, that's it for now. Check back next week to see if we've changed our minds again! :-) Just kidding, we are hoping this is the final decision for now but you never know! The only thing constant in life is change, right???

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