Monday, September 17, 2007

Crazy Week

Nanny nanny boo boo - I didn't get sick (yet!) and you did!!!

I'm sorry it's been such a long time since I've posted anything. Last week was pretty crazy. Waylon and I both got a horrible tummy bug and it's been spreading like wildfire! Somehow, Noah never got it, but we've managed to pass it on to all 4 grandparents! It makes me feel extra lucky that I never had morning sickness when I was pregnant with Noah cause that was just miserable!

Here are a few cute pictures from two weekends ago that I've been meaning to post....

Daddy and Noah all decked out ready to
watch the first Redskins game of the season

Such a big boy!!

This past weekend, Noah and I went up to my parents' lake house at Lake Gaston. This was our first trip away from Daddy, so that was hard. We really missed him but I think Waylon struggled the most. It was hard for him to be away from Noah for 4 days! It was a big weekend for Noah. I even took him in the lake for his first swim!! He seemed to like it... he kicked around some, too.

Here are some pictures from the weekend....

Ready for a swim!

Noah is changing every day, right before our eyes . It's such a fun time.... he's talking and cooing all the time now and he's recently started squealing, too. He smiles and laughs and is really starting to enjoy his toys. It's amazing to watch him take in the world and learn new things all the time.

His new favorite toy


Evia, Tim, Eli and Cole said...

Great pictures and Robin, you look amazing! Sorry to hear that you were all sick - hopefully that has passed. Noah is getting so big, can't wait to see him on Friday. Eli is ready for his big debut!!

Anonymous said...

As you know, I am around babies A LOT, but I think Noah is about the cutest baby I have ever seen. Can't wait to meet him when you come to Maryland!